Adding leave to wages
Editing leave is the same procedure as adding leave
  1. Click "Input Wages"
  2. Click the isolation mode for "Leave"
  3. Click the leave button
  4. Now you will see all employees in a list. Each employee has a tabbed calendar for all types of leave. Click the "Sick" tab then click "pick leave dates" to click all dates that apply. Repeat this for all employees you need
  5. Choose your leave dates and types
  6. Once you've entered all sick days click "Save Leave Dates"
  7. The last page is where you can change the amount of hours for each sick day. If it's a full day's sickness you can leave them as is.
  8. Choose amount of hours for each day
  9. Finally click save

Now your current wage contains all leave dates. These dates will be removed from relevant employee leave balances once you commit.

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